Ucl bsc economics At undergraduate level, the Department of Economics offers the BSc Economics (L100), the BSc Economics with a Year Abroad (L101) and the BSc Economics with a Placement Year (L102) degree programmes. Prospective students should refer to the Admissions Process FAQs and the UCL Undergraduate Prospectus for information on how to apply. . 🎓 University College London acceptance rates and statistics for BSc(Econ) Economics for the years 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025. A first-year combination of statistics, economics and mathematics is followed by a roughly equal mix of statistics and economics modules (including econometrics) over years two and three. We are recognised for our internationally distinguished research, and in the most recent Research Excellence Framework (REF2014), UCL received the highest percentage in the UK for research in Economics and Econometrics, 99% rated either 4* (world-leading) or 3* (internationally excellent). Select optional modules to the value of 30 credits, including those from a list of pre-approved modules of other departments, including languages. Mathematics grade A* required, plus grade A in Economics if offered. Four compulsory modules in economics, mathematics, statistics, and applied economics. Contextual Offers: please visit the course webpage for further details about our Access UCL scheme. This BSc is a joint degree programme taught in conjunction with the Department of Economics. UCAS Code: L100 | Bachelor of Science in Economics (with Honours) - BSc Econ H. This BSc is a joint degree programme taught in conjunction with UCL Economics. Four compulsory modules in economics, mathematics, statistics, and applied economics. uhflw ieheo hnow gulq tkkq fjrwrgzj snphwg eqwy ifiix lwsyo