Ocean county police academy. All registrants need to be approved by Sgt.
Ocean county police academy About the Training: The training will include discussion of crossing guard hiring, training and supervision procedures. The FTO is a vital member of the department, responsible for training new recruits and determining the viability of these recruits as law enforcement officers. X2 and T7 have different requirements and you must provide all the equipment for that platform as outlined below. The program goes into depth with case law covering: investigative detentions, conducting motor vehicle stops, extending motor vehicle stops, developing probable cause to search motor vehicles, and for arresting occupants. This class will change that! While many other report writing classes focus on sentence structure, we focus on content. Officers are expected to be able to handle a physical confrontation quickly, efficiently and [] *This course is in-person only. Course includes both classroom and range exercises focusing on: the history, nomenclature, applications, use of force considerations, training and legalities of the [] Systematic Rifle/Pistol was designed to help build performance with both rifle and pistol fundamentals. We will show you how to apply proven techniques for interviews and interrogations in order to achieve a successful prosecution of the person or persons determined to be at fault in the collision. The student will learn safe weapon handling, loading and unloading, disassembly and cleaning of their weapon, as well as proper shooting [] Please be advised that due to scheduled maintenance, our websites will be down on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024 from 5:00 pm until to 8:00 pm. Required equipment: [] 1 day, 8 hour course Course is for X2 or T7 platforms *Course work shall be completed prior to attending the in person training. No matter what your assignment is, [] This course will teach you how to analyze any event data recorder (EDR) data you encounter, regardless of the manufacturer. Foltz at hfoltz@co. Ocean You’ve made a motor vehicle stop based on reasonable suspicion and you suspect the occupants may be involved in the drug trade, but you are not sure what to do. This 2-day course teaches various techniques to enable the officer to gain information and determine its accuracy of it during interview and interrogation processes. The Ocean County Police Academy offers basic police training classes and a wide variety of in-service training to meet the needs of the law enforcement community and to prepare both Our Basic Commingled Class #124 (Basic/SLEO II recruits) is scheduled to commence on Friday, November 7, 2025. You will need to go on the AXON Academy website and complete [] Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 Our SLEO I Class #54 is scheduled to commence March 10, 2025 with a graduation date of April 7, 2025. This course will explore the stigmas of women in policing and how we must take ownership to break those stigmas. Many police officers lack training on the First Amendment and what citizens are entitled to do. When FTOs are properly trained, they can help make sound personnel decisions and avoid future [] Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 Ocean County Departments only. The Physical Conditioning Instructor course is a five (5) day class covering forty (40) hours of instruction. seq. TRACEY LEADERSHIP AWARD Brandon M. There are set forth below sections of the Police Training Act (PTA) 52:17B-66 et. THIS COURSE IS OPEN TO OCEAN COUNTY DEPARTMENTS ONLY. There will be no more officers added to a wait list as of 2/4/22. This course will be held remotely or in-person. 5,590 likes · 29 talking about this · 1,673 were here. The graduates were honored by law Browse the photo galleries of past training events and courses at the Ocean County Police Academy in Lakewood, New Jersey. Officers will get [] A properly conducted interview resulting in a truthful admission continues to be the strongest evidence in a criminal prosecution today. Davis – Belmar Police Department PTC MERIT AWARDS Preston M. Students will learn what tools [] Learn the complex rules of Miranda to ensure you obtain admissible statements! Many of us were able to recite the Miranda warnings from watching TV long before we became cops. While citizens are allowed to exercise a right, they are not entitled to break a law [] *This course is presented in-person or remote. This unique training program incorporates two proven and Our Basic Commingled Class #123 (Basic/SLEO II recruits) is scheduled to commence on Friday, September 5, 2025. The following are important dates for this upcoming class: Pre-Academy PT Assessment date: Wednesday, July 23, 2025 -recruit(s) must have a completed PTC-8 e-mailed to kshaw@co. However, if they don’t obtain or relay the right information not only can an officer’s life be in jeopardy, it can also lead to the suppression of evidence, unconstitutional investigative detentions and searches. Unfortunately, sexual assault victims [] Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 NJ Crossing Guard Training and Resources Program/Train-the-Trainer Class Are you currently working as a traffic safety officer supervising school crossing guards? If yes, please join us for a crossing guard training program. Course is strictly limited. This course is designed for officers who previously attended a Basic Urban Sniper course. Police Dept. Drone K-9 Mount Unit Marine Unit [] THIS COURSE IS OPEN TO OCEAN COUNTY DEPARTMENTS ONLY. There will be a written examination and at least one graded practical exercise for each student. **If you get to the heart-you can get to the head-then you get to the truth** COURSE: 1-DAY THE ART OF INTERVIEWING (FEATURING THE FORENSIC INTERVIEW TECHNIQUE) FEE: $109. us no later than Monday, July 21. ocean. *This course is presented in-person or remote. The camp will run from Monday, August 21 to Friday, In November of 1977, he was sworn in as a Patrolman with the Little Egg Harbor Police Department. This unique training program incorporates two proven and Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 Make sure you complete the pre-course work for the operator course prior to attending. Official page of the Ocean County Police Academy. Students will learn what tools [] The New Jersey Regional Intelligence Academy (RIA) will be hosting a two-day course called the Successful Use of Social Media for Criminal Investigations, Thursday, June 6th through Friday, June 7th from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM at the Ocean County College, 1 College Drive, Toms River, NJ 08754, in the Gateway Building. The first day of training consists of classroom instruction which will include topics such as airspace, weather considerations, rules & regulations, accident reporting, insurance considerations, This course will provide law enforcement officers with the understanding and tools needed to tackle the current trends of retail theft rings and street level gangs operating as criminal enterprises. The first day will be a pre-qualification followed by six (6) days that will be devoted to handgun and shotgun. The patrol sergeant has a critical role in every law enforcement agency. Lecture Hall #104 (Building #101) *This course will be available in-person and remote. Course is 8 CEUs. *Original concept from Director James Tracey, 1975-1992, and drawn by Joyce DeMayo. Pass this along to those listed below from your agency so they can plan accordingly. ; Pre-Academy PT Re-test date: Our Basic Commingled Class #124 (Basic/SLEO II recruits) is scheduled to commence on Friday, November 7, 2025. Course Objectives: Understand and be able to explain the design features of the GLOCK Safe Action System Demonstrate the knowledge Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 We will be holding a 10 day Defensive Tactics Instructor course. Topics include selecting Please be advised that due to scheduled maintenance, our websites will be down on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024 from 5:00 pm until to 8:00 pm. This course addresses the special dynamics involved in pedestrian and bicycle traffic crashes. By OCPA | 2023-08-21T11:14:55-04:00 August 5th, 2023 This 3-day course will focus to develop and enhance officer’s skills in the use of a police patrol rifle. You MUST request a seat with Lt. This 8 hour instructor certification course is designed for officers with a desire to develop their operational and instructor skills with impact munitions. Skills taught will enable officer to manage and control the environment and deal with time constraints. Northern Red emphasizes the fundamentals of rifle marksmanship and increase the student’s ability to properly manipulate their weapon system. The class will cover choosing the right optic, [] NORTHERN RED’S GUNFIGHTER CARBINE COURSE IS FOCUSED ON MAKING THE END USER MORE CAPABLE AND COMPETENT WITH THEIR CHOSEN OR ASSIGNED CARBINES. Topics to be covered: Introduction to Forensic Ballistics (Forensic Firearms ID) Shooting Scene Reconstruction Automobiles Various Motor vehicle laws can be complex and confusing. We will teach you [] Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 Pedestrian and bicycle crashes are one of the most frequent types of injurious crashes in urban areas. Our highly-experienced instructors teach how to: Identify common We all cringe when we see the viral video of a First Amendment auditor baiting a police officer and they fall for it. The program discusses appropriate New Jersey statutes: Ethics, Personal safety, Prisoner processing, Handcuffing and search techniques, Confidentiality, Juvenile rights, Report writing, Basic Crash Investigations (Formerly: Crash Investigation I) This two week course is designed to give officers, with little or no formal training in accident investigation, the proper techniques for systematically recognizing and properly recording damage at a motor vehicle collision. Raykel T. . *You will no longer receive notification that you are due for recertification. Academy Photos; Basic Class Photos; SLEO II Class Photos; Youth Academy Photos; Contact Us; Previous Next. Topics covered include: investigating This class will provide a foundation of financial crimes investigative methods and trends utilized to engage in the crimes of theft by deception, embezzlement, counterfeit checks, credit card fraud, identity theft, elder fraud, contractor fraud, cryptocurrency, and money laundering. These representations are: The Latin phrase “Lux-Lex” with Lamp and Scales represents the Academy’s motto, “Law and Light; Knowledge and Justice”, this is the spirit of our Police Training. The need for proper vehicle extraction training is invaluable. Once a person is hired the process to remove them can be arduous and costly. In the class we cover the proper review of use of force incidents LOCATION: Ocean County Police Academy/Ocean County Park, 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood AGES: 11-13. Thomas Slinchak, Sgt. Officer’s will show proficiency in reloading techniques and handling common rifle Our SLEO I Class #53 is scheduled to commence on Monday, January 6, 2025 Applications and all paperwork is due by December 16, 2024. H. The Ocean County Sheriff’s Office will be holding its 8th annual Youth Police Academy at the Ocean County Police Academy. The following are important dates for this upcoming class: Pre-Academy PT Assessment date: Wednesday, September THIS COURSE IS OPEN TO OCEAN COUNTY DEPARTMENTS ONLY. Basic principles of: radar, speed measurement, legal and operational considerations, instrument components and their function, record keeping and case preparation are discussed. The student will gain detailed knowledge on the selection, preparation, deployment, storage and legal ramifications of Less Lethal Munitions. Emerging technology has made it increasingly difficult to identify fraudulent documents. The course requires participation in practical exercises as well as classroom Our SLEO I Class #53 is scheduled to commence on Monday, January 6, 2025 Applications and all paperwork is due by December 16, 2024. Because of their unique nature, special techniques are required to investigate and reconstruct these incidents. This one-day program provides a comprehensive overview on how to collaborate with school officials when conducting investigations, searches, and threat assessments. Kunz – Jackson Twp. This course will be held at the NJSP Academy in Sea Girt. Sexual assault is one of the most complicated crimes to investigate. This course will reinforce skills learned in Basic Sniper and move on to more advanced skills to compliment Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 Being a woman in the profession of law enforcement is different, whether people want to admit that or not. It is your Location: Ocean County Police Academy, Lakewood. It lists the names and awards of the graduates, including one from Lakewood Police Department, The Interview portion of the testing process will be conducted by members of the Ocean County Police Chiefs Association and the Academy Director. During the class, case studies and [] This one-day course consists of classroom instruction to enable current Radar Instructors to be re-certified. This two-day program focuses on developing and executing a use-of-force program for agency in-service training. Although we can recite them, many of us don’t really understand them. Hill, Seaside Park Police Department Daniel A. youth academy dates for 2023 are set! For more information or to register, please click here By OCPA | 2023-07-19T14:46:27-04:00 July 7th, 2023 | Announcements | 0 Comments This program is designed to give law enforcement professionals a comprehensive overview of what it takes to conduct a successful drug investigation. The program includes an in-depth review of critical case law and teaches attendees how to connect with the officers they are charged with training by using scenario-based learning techniques. com. You MUST Learn about the entrance requirements, certification process and eligibility criteria for attending a basic police training course at Ocean County Police Academy. This class focuses on the basics of Miranda, when officers are required to [] Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 The Colt M4/M16 Armorers course includes the M16 family of weapons, and all its variants including the M4, the AR15 and 9mm SMG. This training program is two full days and is designed to train police officers on how to safely and proficiently fly a drone within the National Airspace System. MUST REGISTER BY APRIL 4TH IN ORDER TO RECEIVE $100 DISCOUNT. NOTE : The Academy Director will determine the total number of interviews to be conducted based on the maximum number of alternate route seats (both primary and secondary) anticipated during the testing sequence. , which govern the eligibility of a police officer nominated to attend a basic police training school in the State of New Jersey. Robert Stark or SFC. You will also learn how to analyze the EDR data which has been collected with any imaging tools, including propriety manufacturer tools, as well as from future vehicles not yet released. us if interested in registering. 5 Shooting a firearm for the first time can be intimidating and without proper instruction, very dangerous. Juvenile laws are complex and difficult to keep up with. This course is for patrol officers and detectives to effectively deal with the challenges of a roadside interview. Thompson, Seaside Park Police [] Open to Ocean County Departments only at this time. Practical [] Attendees will be given a working knowledge of the school resource officer concept and other school based policing programs. In particular, the student will gain specific information in Defense Technology® Less Lethal products, including 12ga, *This course will presented in-person or remote. This course is designed to prepare law enforcement officers to implement and teach a physical fitness program in their respective agencies or in a police academy. 🇺🇸 Forty-seven recruits from various police departments in Ocean County completed the Basic Police Class #114 and received their badges at a ceremony at Georgian Court University. You will be provided with the investigative tools to recognize the key elements of organized criminal enterprises to include: retail theft rings, identity theft schemes, [] Prerequisites: To be eligible to take the Armorers Course you must be active/retired law enforcement or military, private security, GLOCK Stocking Dealer/Range Program Employee or current GSSF member. Click here for the Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 This one-day program provides an overview of the “do’s and don’t” while dealing with young offenders. This course has limited availability and is only open to officers currently working in Ocean County law enforcement organizations only. **Equipment requirements will be sent prior to class Maximum of [] Congratulations to Basic Class #111 on a job well done! We wish you safety and continued success for the future! Class #111 Awards JAMES J. **OUT-OF-COUNTY AGENCY REGISTRATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Ocean The Ocean County Police Academy Seal, replicated as the uniform patch, represents items and colors of symbolic meaning associated with law enforcement virtues. Various red dot sight models, mounting options, emitter choices, parallax, and iron sight options will also be discussed. Alan Scalzullo, NJSP with a maximum of 20. Please e-mail kshaw@co. Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 Conducted by: Ocean County Department of Corrections This class provides a standardized understanding of the duties and responsibilities expected of a police matron. John Tate by September 12, NO exceptions. Click here for the OCPA Recruit Application Police dispatchers play an important role in providing crucial information to officers on the street. He subsequently commenced training at the Ocean County Police Academy, as a member of Class 31, which graduated in May 1978. Certification: 3 Year Colt Law Enforcement Rifle/Carbine/SMG Armorer Resources: Colt will provide all necessary tools and firearms to conduct training Eligibility: All agencies sending recruits/students to the academy must complete a Notice of New Appointment (NONA PTC-3) Form. [] How To Become a Police Officer; Nearby Lodging; Training. Practical exercises will reinforce instruction. In the investigation and prosecution of most sexual assault cases, the role of the victim is much more important than in other crimes since the victim is usually the sole witness to the crime. This 8-hour course led by Heather Glogolich, explores the gender-specific struggles of women in law enforcement, [] What causes the most issues for officers are not their actions, but their documenting of those actions. This program is designed to give first-line supervisors a comprehensive overview of the “best practices” when dealing with the initial response to a critical incident (barricaded subject, hostage situation, etc. Perna Leadership Award: Ryan C. This one-day course provides a simple explanation of the most common violations officers encounter while on patrol and is designed to provide officers with the “best practices” when conducting motor vehicle stops. Agencies are required to send the PTC-3 or PTC-15’s to the PTC in [] THIS CLASS IS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT ONLY This two day class will focus on giving the students the information and repetitions needed to instruct others on pistol optics. Limit 2 seats per department. 8 miles We all cringe when we see the viral video of a First Amendment auditor baiting a police officer and they fall for it. On Nothing is more challenging than teaching the use of force. Our experienced Juvenile Officer will review: Curbside Adjustments v. First session will be for the A program covering airway on Tuesday, February 11, 2025 Second session will be for the B program covering medical on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 Third session [] Money is the common denominator in almost all crimes, but many of us lack the skills to conduct a proper investigation. This is a New Jersey Police Training Commission approved course which is designed to instruct department officers [] While investigators have been obtaining information from people involved in traffic crashes, few investigators have successfully “interviewed” people involved in such collisions. The objective of the Youth Academy is to educate the recruits on police procedures and hands on experience from highly trained officers in: S. Courts have consistently emphasized a warrant is the preferred method to conduct a search to make an arrest, however we have very limited training and experience in this area. Please contact Lt. Many agencies rely on pre-911 pre-employment practices such as blindly accepting candidates with [] Full as of 1/28/22. This 3-day training course meets the waiver requirements The course will focus on draw stroke, applying the fundamentals of marksmanship, and combat follow through while utilizing a pistol mounted red dot sight. While citizens are allowed to exercise a Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 Course Goal: This 8-hour course was designed to prepare Law Enforcement Agencies to respond and take correct initial actions in starting an investigation and search for lost/missing individuals and will have a specific focus on search for individuals with dementia and autism. Tate for availability at jtate@co. We apologize for any inconvenience. Police Command Staff Training – Mandatory for Chiefs, Captains, Lieutenants; Crisis Intervention for the Road Cop; Details *This course is offered in-person or remote. Also covered; state This 3-day class, hosted by the Ocean County Sheriff’s Office Crime Scene Investigation Unit, will provide the crime scene investigator/detective with practical working knowledge of shooting scene reconstruction. During this one-day course, we will teach officers how to properly write and execute search warrants and arrest warrants. The two week course is designed to develop the officer’s skills in technically preparing accident investigation data and collecting follow up data required by Prosecutors, Defense Attorney’s, Claim Adjusters, Fleet Supervisors, Accident Re-constructionists and Highway Safety Engineers. Engrassia for availability at oceancountypoliceacademy@gmail. This class is geared toward both patrol officers and detectives. Designed to enhance and/or upgrade the skills of investigative personnel. [] Congratulations to SLEO II Classes #50 & #51 on a job well done! We wish you safety and continued success for the future! Class #50 Awards PTC Merit Award: Hailey R. 3 Any violation as outlined herein, as well as any violation of any individual departmental rules, regulations, or standards of conducts, or any violation of the Police Training Act and the regulations promulgated thereunder, shall be documented by the director of the academy, and submitted to the Police Training Commission and the instructor’s employing Taught by Brad Gilmore ( employed by a NJ County Interdiction Unit), this course will provide the student exposure to current high level interstate money and narcotic transporting trends. Police Department, New Jersey, will be conducting our Advanced Urban Sniper program. The Transfer of a Liquor License is a vital process for any municipality. barricaded subjects. EACH student will need to bring the items listed below to complete the training. Seats are limited. e. Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 This program is designed to give the proactive officer the tools they need to be successful in the streets. T. All registrants need to be approved by Sgt. ) During the program, participants will do tabletop exercises These EMT refreshers are for law enforcement only and will be instructed in 3 separate sessions. The purpose of this class is to provide standardized training as per NJAG Guidelines to all law enforcement individuals who have responsibility for [] In June 2024, Governor Phil Murphy signed new legislation into law! Effective September 2024, many changes were made, including: voting records restraining orders for harassment anonymous GRC/court claims may be dismissed custodians responses presumed to be reasonable custodian liability shifts to agency 2026 – GRC complaints adjudicated 90 days – Too often police officers are dispatched to assist with an “out of control child” and their arrival can make things worse. The shooters will be pushed beyond their comfort levels to build confidence in weapon handling, understanding the balance between speed and accuracy, and will leave with an understanding of how to train accordingly. From reaction times to victim injury analysis to environmental This course will assist law enforcement officers (Patrol Officers as well as Detectives) enhance their ability to recognize and identify the universe of identity-related documents issued by and relied upon by the MVC and the factors that motivate fraudsters. 8 miles Days Hotel by Wyndham 290 NJ-37 E Toms River, NJ 08753 (732) 244-4000 Click here to visit the Days Hotel Website Approximately 10. We have you covered! In this class, we review: Current drug trends Items to look for Questions you should ask Cues and behaviors to look [] Today’s School Resource Officer is expected to not only keep our students safe but have a solid understanding of both juvenile and education law. Officer’s will shoot at various distances, shooting on the move and positional shooting. This class will provide a foundation of financial crimes investigative methods and trends utilized to engage in the crimes of theft by: deception, embezzlement, counterfeit checks, credit card fraud, identity theft, elder fraud, contractor [] A drone can be a tremendous resource for law enforcement agencies and their communities. If we expect responding officers to handle such an incident, they need the proper tools. We will also cover behaviors and [] Officer training to educate police officers about the new Use of Force Policy, Attorney General Grewal ordered that all 38,000 state, county, and local law enforcement officers in New Jersey complete an immersive, two-day training program on de-escalation and other tactics for limiting the use of force. Rodriguez, Point Pleasant Beach Police Department Joseph A. Stationhouse Adjustments, [] The course covers a range of topics, from investigative techniques and community engagement strategies to policy development and practical exercises. The objective of the Youth Academy is to educate the recruits on police The Ocean County Police Academy remembers, today and every day, those who lost their lives, those who stepped up to serve and the countless sacrifices made in the days, months and years after the attacks. *You will Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 Our Basic Commingled Class #122 (Basic/SLEO II recruits) is scheduled to commence on Friday, March 14, 2025. Documents needed for Full Waivers attending a BCPO/Accelerated Waiver Academy class (w e do not have any accelerated waiver courses scheduled at this time) : DELTA SCHOOL Supervisor and Leadership Training. Our safety class will guide you through the process of taking your first shots with your new purchase. This class is instructed by a child crises specialist that will teach officers to identify the type of crisis [] This course offers comprehensive training on identifying and combating fraudulent temporary tags. LEO’s will be shown mounting/ dismounting techniques, patrol tactics, use of cover/ concealment, rescue/ equipment [] The Entire symbolic meaning embodied in the Ocean County Police Academy Seal reflects Academic Achievement, Strength, Valor, and Integrity. This is a free event open to members of law enforcement agencies who are actively utilizing a drone or considering incorporating a drone into police operations. The Entire symbolic meaning embodied in the Ocean County Police Academy Seal reflects Academic Achievement, Strength, Valor, and Integrity. (THIS CLASS WILL BE UNDER THE NEW PTC PT ASSESSMENT DIRECTIVE) click here for more information on this The following are important dates for this upcoming class: Pre-Academy PT Assessment date: Friday, January 31, 2025 [] Click here for a downloadable PDF of the Academy Pre-Service Application. The course includes instruction on utilizing tools such as Carfax and other databases to verify vehicle information and detect potential fraud. This course offers the opportunity to learn and explore methods and techniques that are proven in the field of narcotics investigations. If an officer is ever going to doubt themselves, it will likely be while dealing with a juvenile. You must submit your paperwork to the NJ Police Training Commission in order to attend this training! In order to hold the position of Humane Law Enforcement Officer all police officers and county investigators must be certified by the Police Training Commission. Detailed information of the nomenclature and operation of commercial motor vehicles will [] This block of instruction is designed to improve the weapon handling and marksmanship skills of all who attend and will be instructed by active members of the Ocean County Regional SWAT Team only. All marksmanship courses begin This two day course is recommended for any LEO who operates an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) in the course of their duties. Axon Taser Annual Operator Update (V23- 2024) and Taser Operator Course Prework for the platform you intend to be certified on. This course offers patrol officers a unique insight to case strategies that are often underutilized and overlooked. The program also introduces officers to detecting possible criminal conduct during stops. Some topics to be discussed are: the benefits of a drone program, FAA regulations, COAs [] NOTE: A full waiver needing to attend a BCPO Academy class or an Accelerated Waiver class is required to pass a Pre-Academy Physical Fitness Assessment. Learning where to look and what to ask can make the difference in a legitimate transfer and one that can involve organized crime. 00 *****SEATING IS LIMITED***** This program is designed to give the proactive officer the tools they need to be successful in the streets. The web page provides a Ocean County Police Academy, Lakewood, New Jersey. Related topics will teach students the techniques for proper gathering of critical evidence that may [] Course Summary: This eight-hour instructional course is catered towards law enforcement and civilian personnel who are responsible for the evidence management function in their agencies. OC [] *This course is presented in-person or remote. us for registration and include the following information: Name & agency Email address Model Taser your certifying on as an instructor. (THIS CLASS WILL BE UNDER THE NEW PTC PT ASSESSMENT DIRECTIVE) click here for more information on this The following are important dates for this upcoming class: Pre-Academy PT Assessment date: Friday, January 31, 2025 [] This class provides patrol sergeants with the essential skills they need to effectively perform their duties with confidence. This course is designed to give police [] This program is designed to give law enforcement professionals a comprehensive overview of what it takes to conduct a successful drug investigation. Course highlights include: current drug trends, drug and paraphernalia identification, developing informants, interview Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 6. nj. This half day seminar is designed for new and existing property officers and clerks who are responsible for overseeing their department’s property and evidence function. This includes Basic Courses, SLEO I/II, SLEO II to Basic and a Request for Waiver of training (PTC-15) for certain trainings such as HLEO courses. us. This course will provide a solid foundation of investigation skills and techniques for the detective or officer conducting investigations. It will also allow the student to identify and access hidden and concealed sophisticated compartments with examples of real road side videos and pictures of what [] Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 1 day, 8 hour course Course is for X2 or T7 platforms *Course work shall be completed prior to attending the in person training. Emphasis will be on stance, grip, trigger control, sight picture, speed, and accuracy. A portion of this course will certify you on the ATV Rider Course through the ATV Safety Institute (ASI). Course length is 24 class hours over 3 days with no shooting included. Conducting a thorough and complete background investigation is one of the best ways to prevent future problems in your agency. New Jersey Traffic Incident Management System (TIMS) According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Traffic Incident Management (TIM) consists of a planned and coordinated multi-disciplinary process to detect, respond to, and clear traffic incidents so that traffic flow may be restored as safely and quickly as possible. Proper grammar and punctuation are certainly important, but in the legal world, there is more emphasis on content. In-Service & Training Courses Schedule; Pre-Service Recruit Training; Applications Photo Galleries. Time(s): 9am-1pm [wpecr_registration_button] Add to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Event Navigation. We will also cover behaviors and Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 **DATE HAS BEEN CHANGED FROM MAY 3 TO MAY 23. The “Social Media Methods and Community Engagement” course is a comprehensive program designed to equip law enforcement professionals with the skills necessary to effectively leverage social media for Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 DATES: August 21st-25th, 2023 TIMES: 8:30am to 3:00pm LOCATION: Ocean County Police Academy/Ocean County Park, 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood AGES: 11-13 The Ocean County Sheriff’s Office will be holding its 8th annual Youth Police Academy at the Ocean County Police Academy. During this two-day course we will teach officers how to properly write and execute a search warrants and arrest warrants. Jakhai [] This 8-hour course provides operator level training on the topic of Less Lethal Impact Munitions. This course covers the difference between interviews and interrogations, preparing for and conducting professional, structured criminal interviews and interrogations LOCATION: Ocean County Police Academy/Ocean County Park, 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood AGES: 11-13. Through hands-on Officer training to educate police officers about the new Use of Force Policy, Attorney General Grewal ordered that all 38,000 state, county, and local law enforcement officers in New Jersey complete an immersive, two-day training program on de-escalation and other tactics for limiting the use of force. W. This training is rated excellent by 100% of students. The camp will run from Monday, August 21 to Friday, August 25, 2023, from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Please contact Det. This course covers the difference between interviews and This course is ideal for police detectives. Basic course attendees will also be required to research and complete a handwritten lesson plan on a law related topic [] Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United States This class is geared to those with little to no search warrant training or experience. This course will cover the duties of an incident commander in a SAR []. 8, 2024. Topics covered fundamentals of rifle operation, maintenance, handling and basic marksmanship. This intensive course will cover the unique characteristics of commercial motor vehicles and the special dynamics at play when one is involved in a collision. Day 1 Red Dot Pistol Instructor will teach students how to maximize the use of a pistol mounted optic. Holloman – Rutgers University Police Dept. TIM is a coordinated process Awareness Protective Consultants, LLC in cooperation with the Jackson Twp. In the class we cover the proper review of use of force incidents Our Basic Commingled Class #122 (Basic/SLEO II recruits) is scheduled to commence on Friday, March 14, 2025. This class provides patrol sergeants with the essential skills they need to effectively perform their duties with confidence. Guidelines and skills needed to investigate a variety of crimes will Advanced Crash Investigations (Formerly: Crash Investigation II). Whether you are on patrol, or an experience detective, this course offers [] This class provides officers with the “best practices” for managing critical incidents, i. A. The Ocean County Sheriff’s Office Youth Police Academy will be held at the Ocean County Police Academy from August 5, 2024 – August 9, 2024. Participants will learn about the most common trends used to manipulate license plates and evade detection. Click here for the Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 This one-day course, provided by the New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice, consists of classroom instruction to enable current Radar Instructors to be re-certified. During this one-day The web page reports on the graduation ceremony of Basic Class 116 at the Ocean County Police Academy on Feb. In many towns and [] Hilton Garden Inn 1885 State Highway 70 West Lakewood, NJ 08701 Click here to visit the Hilton Website (732) 262-5232 Approximately 2. Contact the academy staff for more information or follow Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United States This class is geared to those with little to no search warrant training or experience. This course will discuss topics to include guidelines for evidence retention, identifying disposition dates, chain of custody documentation, evidence submission policies This training is being created due to the many current law enforcement experiences with violent resistive and dangerous subjects coupled with the rising hostility towards police officers and law enforcement in general. Topics include selecting This course will assist law enforcement officers (Patrol Officers as well as Detectives) enhance their ability to recognize and identify the universe of identity-related documents issued by and relied upon by the MVC and the factors that motivate fraudsters. **Equipment requirements will be sent prior to class Maximum of [] Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 Please be advised that due to scheduled maintenance, our websites will be down on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024 from 5:00 pm until to 8:00 pm. ** This New Jersey Police Training Commission approved course is designed for Officers who plan to teach at Police Schools and/or their respective Departments. COURSE IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO 18. Topics include selecting Nearby Lodging Hilton Garden Inn 1885 State Highway 70 West Lakewood, NJ 08701 Click here to visit the Hilton Website (732) 262-5232 Approximately 2. The [] Course Highlights An introduction into the leadership theories commonly used in Law Enforcement Provide perspective into of the Law Enforcement Executives role in the agency Identify and examine what a successful supervisor looks like early in their careers Identify behaviors that will negatively impact your leadership ability later in your career Identify the Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 Phone: (732) 363-8710 Fax: (732) 905-8345 The future of a police department is significantly impacted by the field training officer (FTO). The DELTA SCHOOL (Development, Education, and Leadership Training Academy) Supervisor and Leadership Training Program was designed and implemented through a cooperative effort by members The County Narcotics Commanders Association of New Jersey, The County Prosecutor’s X2/T7 Taser Instructor Course **OCEAN COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT ONLY** Please email Lt. fchogcl zzpcuc gvx dytjzw eav rzy bsmbbd wucdpr mnfcahqh lemmbb lgpkcbg fiwcmdq nnvsjts ofrvv hes