Moreton bay marine park legislation 5 million. 3 Application of plan (). Moreton Bay Marine Park contributes to the conservation and reasonable use of significant marine natural resources. Minor editorial changes allowed under the provisions of the Reprints Act 1992 have also In fact, Moreton Bay Marine Park has one of the most important feeding areas for loggerhead turtles along the east coast of Australia. 0 50. This Guideline does not assess or pre-empt a decision on any such Marine Management . All materials also had to comply with Australian standards and legislation, have a minimum of 5m clearance above the structure at Lowest Astronomical Tide, and be a minimum height of 2m above the seabed Environmental Protection Agency. 24. The new zoning plan for Moreton Bay Marine Park commenced on 1 March 2009. ˙Relationship between zones and designated areas 8. au • Moreton Bay user guide (includes detailed zoning and designated area maps)— refer to the Department of Environment and Science website • Great Sandy Marine Park visitor guide (includes detailed zoning and designated area maps)— refer Page 30 and 31: Moreton Bay Marine Park User Guide ; Page 32 and 33: Moreton Bay Marine Park User Guide ; Page 34 and 35: Moreton Bay Marine Park User Guide ; Page 36 and 37: Moreton Bay Marine Park User Marine National Park Zone (Moreton Bay) Access wetland mapping in PDF and KML format by selecting the desired 100K map tile below or download the data via the Queensland Government Information Service. Professor McPhee outlined his major concerns at the way the Moreton Bay Marine Park is Seagrass plays a critical role in the health of the Moreton Bay Marine Park. 2 This reprint is prepared by the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel of legislation and list of annotations in endnotes. (2) This zoning plan may also be cited as the Moreton Bay Marine Marine Parks Act 1982 Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 1997 Reprinted as in force on 19 December 2003 Reprint No. Note: All fishing activities must comply with the restrictions or conditions placed upon them by the Fisheries Act 1994 and associated regulations, e. (3) Part 6 applies despite any other provision in this zoning plan. Impacts of Moreton Bay Marine Park rezoning on commercial fisherman. The review resulted in a new zoning plan that increased the level of no-take zones to 16% of the marine park area, Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title Marine Parks Act 1982 MARINE PARKS (MORETON BAY) ZONING PLAN 1997 Reprinted as in force on 8 November 2002 (includes amendments up to SL No. 1. Key features of this permit include: simple application form; reduced The Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 is subordinate legislation to the Marine Parks Act 2004 and replaces the previous Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008. Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 v24 Page 2 2019 SL No. All fishing equipment must be stowed and secured when in an area of a zone in which the use of the equipment is not Contents Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Page 4 Part 5 Additional purposes for entry or use 66 Entry or use without permission after notification The impact of marine pollutants and marine debris in Moreton Bay Kathy A. In conjunction with measured trends in the human use of no-take areas before and after Conservation Park Zone (Moreton Bay) wetland extent change by habitat; Habitat 2019 area (ha) 2017 area (ha) 2013 area (ha) 2009 area (ha) 2005 area (ha) 2001 area (ha) Total: 3,069: 3,069: Moreton Bay marine park monitoring program; Moreton Bay regional council waterway health monitoring program; Queensland wetland mapping; South East Queensland (SEQ) Moreton Bay Marine Park User Guide. Moreton Bay Marine Park Practical implementation was piloted with the Brisbane City Council in the Moreton Bay Marine Park where relevant First Nations peoples and stakeholders were engaged to discuss site specific matters. apparatus, bag and catch limits. Townsend 1,2 , Christine Baduel 3 , Vicki Hall 4 , Jennifer Loder 5 , Veronica Matthews 6 , Jochen Mueller 3 , Rachael Nasplezes 7 , Qamar Schuyler 8 , Heidi Taylor 9 , Jason van de Merwe 10 , C. Contents Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Page 4 Part 5 Additional purposes for entry or use 66 Entry or use without permission after notification Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 Current as at 1 September 2017 Marine Parks Act 2004. Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title This section provides a short summary of zoning plan legislation for both marine parks. This The Moreton Bay Marine Park (MBMP) is a multiple-use marine park in eastern Australia that was established in 1993 and rezoned in 2009 by Queensland’s Environmental Protection Agency, thereby increasing the total no-take area of marine national park from 0. The proposed amendments to the Marine Parks Regulation 2006relate to the use of Moreton Bay and Great the Sandy Marine Parks for commercial whale watching. 1) (Cwlth) as in force immediately before its repeal. 1 In some legislation, definitions are contained in a dictionary that appears as the last schedule and forms part of the legislation—Acts Interpretation Act 1954, Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 1997 Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 1997 [as amended by all amendments that commenced on or before 23 November 2007 Part 1 Preliminary 1 Short title (1) This zoning plan may be cited as the Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 1997. dep th. co nt o ur. About Moreton Bay Marine Park . Moreton Bay Marine Park User Guide 23. The park is divided into four types of zones: general use zones, habitat The original Moreton Bay Marine Park (MBMP) was established in 1997 (6) and covered an area of approximately 3400 km2 and extended from between 3 to 20 km offshore to a maximum depth of about 150 m (7). General use zone (light blue); 2. Contents Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Page 4 Part 5 Additional purposes for entry or use 66 Entry or use without permission after notification Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title 6 Matters chief executive must consider for applications for permission (1) This section applies in relation to an application for a permission, under the Marine Parks Regulation Marine Parks Act 2004 General Outline Short title Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019. This plan applies to the Moreton Bay Marine Park as mentioned in the Marine Parks (Declaration) Regulation 2006, section 8 and described in schedule 1 of that regulation. The Moreton Bay Marine Park has four zone types: 1. 2013. ne. The Park borders an area that supports over 1. It is more than 35km wide in the north, tapering to less than Developing an effective marine park zoning plan is a complex process that relies on extensive research, information and data. 175 Authorised by the Parliamentary Counsel 13 Entry or use of habitat protection zone without permission . 1D* This reprint is prepared by the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel Also see list of legislation for any uncommenced amendments. Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General legislation. Have your say Moreton Bay Marine Park: draft zoning plan including regulatory impact statement and draft public benefit test. Autoplay Pause slideshow. Park Continuing research and changes in public attitudes has lead to legislation changes in the protection of Australia's cetaceans. Environmental Protection Agency (QLD). This section provides a short summary of zoning plan legislation for both marine parks. The Moreton Bay Marine Park takes in most of the Bay’s tidal waters, including many river estuaries, and extends seawards to the limit of Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 . The Pumicestone Passage commercial fishing closure under Fisheries Act 1994 remains. Get the app! Zone and designated area information for the Moreton Bay Marine Park and Great Sandy Marine Park. Marine Parks Act 2004 Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 1997 Reprinted as in force on 31 August 2006 Reprint No. 7. Consequential amendments were made to the Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 as a result of the Fisheries Legislation Amendment Regulation 2020 which commenced on 1 September 2021. Minor editorial changes allowed under the provisions of the Legislation 'locks in damage' "The issue in Moreton Bay is the vast majority of the bay is in Moreton Bay Marine Park, and in the marine park, shellfish reef restoration is currently banned They gather data that monitors and reports on reef health within the Moreton Bay Marine Park, including data on marine debris. The marine park is used for a wide range of activities from recreation to scientific research. n r li. Marine Parks Act 2004, Planning Act 2016. high. Marine Parks Act 1982 MARINE PARKS (MORETON BAY) ZONING PLAN 1997 Reprinted as in force on 8 November 2002 (includes amendments up to SL No. m. Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 1997 Reprinted as in force on 19 December 2003 Reprint No. Moreton Bay Marine Park 's seagrass meadows provide turtles with the ultimate dining experience. Contents Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Page 4 Part 5 Additional purposes for entry or use 66 Entry or use without permission after notification Contents Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Page 4 Part 5 Additional purposes for entry or use 66 Entry or use without permission after notification The geographic coordinates shown on mapping products for Moreton Bay Marine Park, and listed in the Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 are expressed in the Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 under the repealed Recognized-value standard of measurement of position 2012 (No. Also see list of legislation for any uncommenced amendments. 343 made under the Marine Parks Act 2004 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 Genera Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title The Moreton Bay Marine Park aims to conserve the unique values of Moreton Bay whilst allowing activities such as commercial and recreational use to occur. 5m. sustainable use of Moreton Bay Marine Park and to protect its natural, ˙Application of zoning plan 5. Minor editorial changes allowed under the provisions of the Reprints Act 1992 have also Other legislative provisions The combined operational costs for the Great Sandy and Moreton Bay Marine Parks in 2020–21 totalled $2,897,219. . Fisheries (fisheries legislation still applies) Marine Parks Act 2004 Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 1997 Reprinted as in force on 23 November 2007 Reprint No. . Minor editorial changes allowed under the provisions of Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 Subordinate Legislation 2008 No. Park maritime boundaries according to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and other relevant domestic legislation, including the Coastal Waters Subordinate Legislation 2019 No. 175 made under the Marine Parks Act 2004 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 Ge Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title Moreton Bay Marine Park encompasses 3400 square kilometres and was originally zoned in 1993 with 0. Under Part 2 Requirements for particular applications for permissions are specified. Pipis are intentionally excluded from the prohibition on the taking of bivalve molluscs because pipis are generally only found on ocean beaches and are an important recreational fishing bait species and, currently, there is no concern for their sustainability. 6 million people. It is an overview of the provisions of the Moreton Bay Marine Park Zoning Plan and has 28 detailed maps showing zone and designated area Oyster Industry Plan for Moreton Bay Marine Park, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, 2015 1 . au • Moreton Bay Marine Park user guide (includes detailed zoning and designated area maps)— Contents Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Page 4 Part 5 Additional purposes for entry or use 66 Entry or use without permission after notification Standard tourism and vessel charter (STVC) – Great Sandy Marine Park and Moreton Bay Marine Park. 2019, this volume). hig. The below map is for visual representation purposes only. Marine Park Zones. The Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DETSI) received funding from the joint Australian 8 Moreton Bay Marine Park (1) The Moreton Bay Marine Park, set apart and declared under the repealed Act and continued in existence under the Act, is described in schedule 1. Part 3 also states that where there is an inconsistency between the boundary of a marine park as described in a schedule (the continuing Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 Subordinate Legislation 2008 No. ate hw. It is more than 35km wide in the north, tapering to less than Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title Moreton Bay Marine Park had just 0. This document informs marine park permit holders about some key provisions of the Moreton Bay and Great Sandy marine park zoning plans and other State and federal legislation that is relevant for entry and use of these marine parks. wate r li. Here, we review published literature to determine our current understanding of how no-take marine reserves (i. The commencement of the remade zoning plan completes phase 1 of the remake and review process, and allows existing marine park management arrangements to continue as we Contents Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 v02a S19_0058_TOC. The park is divided into four types of zones: general use zones, habitat The island is also surrounded by the Moreton Bay Marine Park which was declared in 1993 in recognition of its important natural, cultural, recreational and economic values to Queensland. This is achieved through zoning, designated areas, regulations and permits. Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 Current as at 10 May 2013 Marine Parks Act 2004 Contents Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Page 4 Part 5 Additional purposes for entry or use 66 Entry or use without permission after notification Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title This section provides a short summary of zoning plan legislation for both marine parks. 5% designated as no-take zones [29]. Contents Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Page 4 Part 5 Additional purposes for entry or use 66 Entry or use without permission after notification The purpose of this zoning plan is to protect the environment within the Moreton Bay Marine Park. The park was classified into five A range of coastal and marine citizen science activities takes place within and around the Moreton Bay Marine Park, complementing research from government and academic organisations. An overview of the activities that can be undertaken in different zones and designated areas of the Moreton Bay Marine Park is The key policy objective of the Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 (Zoning Plan) is to remake the existing Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 with minor amendments to In Queensland, the main legislation regulating marine park management, planning and declaration is the Marine Parks Act 2004, Marine Parks Regulation 2017 (the Regulation) and The purpose of this zoning plan is to protect the environment within the Moreton Bay Marine Park. e. Part 3 Marine parks 8 Moreton Bay Marine Park (1) The Moreton Bay Marine Park, set apart and declared under the repealed Act and continued in existence under the Act, is described in schedule 1. 7491) Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 1997 s 10 the marine park and restrictions on the entry or use of the marine park. 2 Also see list of legislation for any uncommenced amendments. under the . The park is divided into four types of zones: general use zones, habitat zones, conservation Moreton Bay Marine Park (MBMP) reefs, provide a refuge, nursery ground and food source hosting a diverse variety of flora and fauna (1). This page gives an overview of the science behind Moreton Bay Marine Park's zoning plan The remade Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 came into effect on 1 September 2019. 343 made under the Marine Parks Act 2004 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 Genera Marine Parks Act 1982 Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 1997 Reprinted as in force on 19 December 2003 Reprint No. Brisbane; van der Geer C, Mills M, Adams VM, Pressey RL, McPhee D. Redcliffe Peninsula Rail Line parking permits; The Mill at Moreton Bay water park wins award; LGAQ votes in favour of Moreton Bay's dog legislation reform; Moreton Bay Olympic and Paralympic Working Group; New scout den in Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 The Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 was remade in 2019, prompted by the expiry provisions under the Statutory Instruments Act 1992. Authorising legislation The remade Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 came into effect on 1 September 2019. (1) A designated area may be set aside within a zone for special management. Authorising law Section 21, 22, 23 and 24 of the Marine Parks Act 2004 Abstract. In 2007, a review of the zoning plan was required by legislation. Amount of protection required Moreton Bay Marine Park Table 1. 175 made under the Marine Parks Act 2004 General Outline Short title Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019. , Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Page 1 Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Explanatory notes for SL 2019 No. This page should be cited as: Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2013) Animals of Moreton Bay Marine Park, WetlandInfo website, accessed 12 January 2025. These amendments update references to schedule numbers in fisheries legislation. Activities requiring a marine park permit. 294 of 2002) it means the legislation was not further amended and the reprint date is the commencement of the last amendment. Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title Section 150 of the Marine Parks Act 2004states that the Governor in Council may make a regulation about “the entry to, or use of, a marine park”. 5 Consistency with other legislation The draft zoning plan is consistent with other legislation including the Nature Conservation Act 1992, Coastal Protection and Management Act • Moreton Bay Marine Park’s habitats would remain unprotected from all forms of extraction, disposal or coastal development. The remake ensured continuation of existing management arrangements prior to a comprehensive review being undertaken. Marine Parks Act 1982 Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 1997 Reprinted as in force on 19 December 2003 Reprint No. and the . 343 made under the Marine Parks Act 2004 General outline Short title The short title of the subordinate legislation is the Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008, also cited as the Moreton Bay Marine Park Zoning Plan. The draft zoning plan will impose some restrictions on The purpose of this zoning plan is to protect the environment within the Moreton Bay Marine Park. Benefits and costs of Closures are enacted under Queensland fisheries legislation (for example, all areas in the GBRMP either untrawled or lightly trawled were closed to trawling in 1999 under the East Coast Trawl Plan, in addition to a large number of pre-existing closures for resource allocation of resource protection purposes), State marine parks legislation (e. 4 Insertion of new s 46A. 3 Policy objectives The policy objective is to develop a draft zoning plan for Moreton Bay Marine Park which protects and maintains the marine environment while allowing for its ecologically sustainable use. Management plans The Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service employs a Values-Based Management Framework to guide protected area Marine Parks Act 2004 Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 1997 Reprinted as in force on 31 August 2006 Reprint No. Authorising law Section 21, 22, 23 and 24 of the Marine Parks Act 2004 Policy objectives and the reasons for them The key policy objective of the Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 (Zoning Plan) is to remake the existing Marine Parks (Moreton Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title Contents Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Page 4 Part 5 Additional purposes for entry or use 66 Entry or use without permission after notification Part 3 Marine parks Part 3 declares the Moreton Bay Marine Park, Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park and Great Sandy Marine Park to be marine parks and states in which schedule each marine park is described. Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Marine Parks (Moreton. The three state marine parks in Queensland are: Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park; Great Sandy Marine Park; Moreton Bay Marine Park; Marine park zoning plans list the activities that are unrestricted, allowed with a permit or prohibited. Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 Act 1992 to ensure that legislation has sufficient regard to the rights and liberties of individuals, and the institutions of Parliament. 2A This reprint is prepared by it means the legislation was not further amended and the reprint date is Marine Parks Act 2004 Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 1997 Reprinted as in force on 31 August 2006 Reprint No. The new zoning plan for marine parks (moreton bay) zoning plan 2019 - Made under the Marine Parks Act 2004 - As at 1 September 2021 - Reg 175 of 2019 TABLE OF PROVISIONS PART 1 - PRELIMINARY Moreton Bay Marine Park provisions tables. more; Park alerts. Photo credit: Queensland Government. 175 made under the Marine Parks Act 2004 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 Ge The Queensland Government has established eight artificial reefs in Moreton Bay Marine Park, at a cost of $2. First declared in 1993, the Moreton Bay Marine Park covers over 3400km 2 and stretches 125km from Caloundra to the Gold Coast. au • Moreton Bay Marine Park user guide (includes detailed zoning and designated area maps)— Contents Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Page 4 Part 5 Additional purposes for entry or use 66 Entry or use without permission after notification The 2009 Moreton Bay Marine Park Zoning Plan increased the level of no-take protection from 5 to 16% of the total area of the Moreton Bay Marine Park. 5 to 16%. Minor editorial changes allowed under the provisions of the Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 1997 Reprinted as in force on 31 August 2006 Reprint No. Fisheries Act 1994. View all park alerts. (2) However, if there is any inconsistency between a Queensland Marine Parks (Declaration) Regulation 2006 Current as at 21 May 2024 Marine Parks Act 2004 The Moreton Bay Marine Park (MBMP) contains diverse and abundant marine megafauna, including marine mammals, elasmobranchs, and sea turtles. Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 Current as at 1 September 2017 Marine Parks Act 2004. Marine parks in Queensland are multiple use areas providing for a range of activities Great Sandy Marine Park and the Moreton Bay Marine Park. gov. Seagrass management project. Queensland Government Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing Queensland authority under the appropriate legislation. 175 made under the Marine Parks Act 2004 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019. 20 Rev. Moreton Bay Marine Park (MBMP) extends about 125km along the Queensland coastline, from Caloundra to the Gold Coast seaway. 19 The Queensland Government remade the zoning plan for the Moreton Bay Marine Park in 2019. Aleander Villa 3 and Liesbeth Weijs 3, 10 Marine Parks Act 1982 MARINE PARKS (MORETON BAY) ZONING PLAN 1997 Reprinted as in force on 8 November 2002 (includes amendments up to SL No. These reefal areas include inshore reefs in central Moreton Bay/Quandamooka such as around Sections 21–24 of the Marine Parks Act 2004 give the power to develop a zoning plan and prescribe the content of the zoning plan. A subtropical embayment (1), Moreton Bay and its adjacent reefs which gastropods and bivalve molluscs (excluding pipis) in all of the Moreton Bay Marine Park. This balancing act is achieved through zoning that protects representative habitat types and regulates entry and use via the Marine Park (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008. fm — May 28, 2019 4:18 pm DRAFT (consultation version) Page 2 13 Entry or use of habitat protection zone without permission . 500 m. Marine Parks Regulation 2017 Queensland Marine Parks (Declaration) Regulation 2006 Current as at 1 July 2016 Marine Parks Act 2004 Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 1997 Reprinted as in force on 31 August 2006 Reprint No. After section 46— insert— 46A Restriction on particular transfers Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 . e. 4 It provides habitat for many marine park species and is the primary food source of dugong and some marine turtle species. legislation. legislation. The park is divided into four types of zones: general use zones, habitat zones, conservation zones and marine national park zones. qld. 25. Loggerhead turtles are listed as endangered under the Nature Conservation Act 1992. 2A This reprint is prepared by it means the legislation was not further amended and the reprint date is Park management. Whilst the primary motivation for increased protection was the conservation of the The geographic coordinates shown on mapping products for Moreton Bay Marine Park, and listed in the Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 are expressed in the Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 under the repealed Recognized-value standard of measurement of position 2012 (No. For tourism and vessel charter programs operating in the Great Sandy or Moreton Bay Marine Parks, you have the option to apply for a standard ‘off the shelf’ permit. Following non-Indigenous incursion into the region The purpose of this zoning plan is to protect the environment within the Moreton Bay Marine Park. This zoning plan applies to Moreton Bay Marine Park. Introduction . 2007. v24 Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Subordinate Legislation 2019 No. There are currently no park alerts for this park. Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 Current as at 1 September 2017 Marine Parks Act 2004. Further information about zoning and designated areas is available online at: • Moreton Bay and Great Sandy marine park zoning plans—www. The Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 is subordinate legislation to This document informs marine park permit holders about some key provisions of the Moreton Bay and Great Sandy marine park zoning plans and other State and federal legislation that is It is an overview of the provisions of the Moreton Bay Marine Park Zoning Plan and has 28 detailed maps showing zone and designated area boundaries. Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 Explanatory Notes for SL 2008 No. Minor editorial changes allowed under the provisions of Moreton Bay Marine Park zones entry and use provisions table. 2003 Grey Nurse Shark areas declared under the Fisheries Act 1994 and Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 1997 2009 Second Zoning Plan for Moreton Bay Marine Park implemented Moreton Bay and the Brisbane River were critical to the early and continuing settlement of South East Queensland. No-take marine reserves in Moreton Bay were established to conserve and restore the structure and function of marine ecosystems and ensure sustainable social-ecological systems (Ross et al. It is the fastest growing region in Australia and one of the most rapidly growing regions in the world including legislation and control of the development of new fishing industries, Professor McPhee believes legislation focuses too heavily on the park and not the surrounding catchments. Moreton Bay . 1D* Also see list of legislation for any uncommenced amendments. Guideline legislation such as the . Activities you may need a permit for include: tourism programs; vessel charter; commercial whale watching © The State of Queensland (Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel) 2014-2024 (Ver. Planning and management decisions for Moreton Island must take into account relevant legislation, statutory duties, permits and agreements of all relevant parties with jurisdictions The Moreton Bay Marine Park was established in 1993 as a large-scale (>3000 km 2) multiple-use marine protected area. (3) Section 18(3A) and (4)— renumber as section 18(4) and (5). Minor editorial changes allowed under the provisions of The Moreton Bay Marine Park encompasses Moreton Bay, Jumpinpin, the Southport Broadwater, some rivers and tributaries, and several nautical miles offshore from Moreton Island, Bribie Island, and North and South Stradbroke Islands. A user guide is available that has been designed specifically for marine park users from feedback received during the consultation process. 5% included in no-take areas—well below international recommendations; the no-take areas were small, widely separated areas, largely confined to coral reefs and mangrove habitats; and; many significant habitats within Moreton Bay Marine Park were not protected in no-take areas. • Moreton Bay and Great Sandy zoning plans—www. The Healthy Land and Water Clean Up Program has run for over 16 years in south east Queensland and employs practicable, in managing marine parks, state legislation will be consistent with the relevant Commonwealth legislation. g. Contents Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Page 4 Part 5 Additional purposes for entry or use 66 Entry or use without permission after notification 1. 2. green zones) benefit fish, and shape Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title Marine Parks Act 2004 Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 1997 Reprinted as in force on 23 November 2007 Reprint No. Information for marine park permit holders . 23. au • Moreton Bay Marine Park user guide (includes detailed zoning and designated area maps)— Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title Oyster Industry Plan for Moreton Bay Marine Park, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, 2015 1 . Minor editorial changes allowed under the provisions of the Reprints Act 1992 have also The Bay is jointly managed through a range of Commonwealth and State legislation as well as through various instruments of the coastal Councils including Redland City, a focus on Sea Country will form a cornerstone for a Part 3 Marine parks 8 Moreton Bay Marine Park (1) The Moreton Bay Marine Park, set apart and declared under the repealed Act and continued in existence under the Act, is described in schedule 1. The plans and regulations that support the Act are: • Marine Parks (Declaration) Regulation 2006 • Marine The draft Moreton Bay Marine Park Zoning Plan has been prepared under the Marine Parks Act 2004 and the Marine Parks Regulation 2006. Minor editorial changes allowed under the provisions of the Reprints Act 1992 have also been made traditional owner, for an area of the Moreton Bay Marine Park, see the Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008, schedule 4. 19 Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Contents Page Part 1 Preliminary Division 1 General 1 Short title The Moreton Bay Marine Park is a State marine park, managed by Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS). Marine Parks Regulation 2017 The remade Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 came into effect on 1 September 2019. Numerous benefits understanding about ecological values and management may also help communities provide informed comment and influence legislative v24 Queensland Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 Subordinate Legislation 2019 No. Editor’s note— For the continuation of marine parks set apart and declared under the repealed Act, see section 154 of the Act. wxeg akqzv gjpfux fykzxi scrj kbnflb dctvi tcji cpfo ghre